Ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, there has been widespread discussion about Prime Minister Modi’s speech targeting Muslims. In a speech at a poll rally, he referred to Muslims as “infiltrators” and those who have “many children.”
Furthermore, he accused Rahul Gandhi, saying, “When they were in power, they said Muslims had the first right over resources. They will gather all your wealth and distribute it among those who have more children.”
In the past few days, the Muslim community has felt the impact of the speech and acts of violence targeted at them, causing significant emotional distress and concern. FoEJ Media has explored these ongoing events, which are anti-Muslim in nature and are impacting the psychological status of the Indian minority, tracking them with the dates of the incidents.
April 17th, 2024:
The BJP’s Hyderabad candidate, K. Madhavi Latha, was accused of hurting the sentiments of the Muslim community by gesturing to shoot an arrow toward a mosque on April 17th. A purported video of the incident was circulated all over the internet last week, while another video of the same action was shared on April 24th.
After the clip went viral, Madhavi Latha took to X (formerly Twitter) and said it had come to her attention that an incomplete video of her was being circulated to create negativity.
While she can be seen connecting with Muslim citizens for votes in some videos, the other side of her, which demeans the sentiments of the Muslim community, has made headlines.
April 18th, 2024:
Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered a speech and equated Muslims with “those who have more children,” leading him to be accused of spreading hate speech against the Muslim community ahead of the Lok Sabha election.
Speaking in front of a large crowd at an election rally, he said that if the opposition party, the Indian National Congress, comes into power, it will distribute the country’s wealth among Muslims.
“When they were in power, they said Muslims had the first right over resources. They will gather all your wealth and distribute it among those who have more children,” Modi said.
He further says, “Should your hard-earned money be given to infiltrators?”
April 20th, 2024:
In a video, BJP lawmaker Bijoy Malakar allegedly threatened the voters of Assam’s Karimganj district to support the BJP party or face bulldozer demolition. He said, “I know where you are from, where your house is; the election result is on June 6th… no, June 4th. Make sure the JCB doesn’t reach your home after that.”
April 22nd, 2024:
In yet another incident, Home Minister Amit Shah said at a poll rally in West Bengal’s Karandighi that Congress and Mamta Banerjee are opposing CAA to help the “infiltrators,” apparently targeting the Muslim community.
In another incident on April 23rd, Amit Shah said, “Vote for the BJP, and Mamata Banerjee’s goondas will be hung upside down and straightened.”
April 23rd, 2024:
A flock of Hindu organizations, including VHP/Bajrang Dal, took out a march on Hanuman Jayanti in Delhi’s Jahangirpuri on April 23, 2023, the same place where Delhi riots took place four years ago.
In the video being circulated over the internet, the crowd could be seen wearing saffron-colored clothes, dancing, and chanting slogans to apparently provoke Muslim society.
These are just a glimpse of the last seven days. Uncountable incidents have taken place in the country that have hurt the Muslim community not only mentally but physically as well.
In an article, Adela Suliman mentions the second-class treatment received by Muslims living in India. She says, “‘Modi’s party has pushed for a more explicitly Hindu vision of India’s identity in contrast to post-independence leaders, who saw the country more as a secular, multicultural democracy.”
Another writer, Krutika Pathi, explains in an article the opinions of critics of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. She writes, “Critics of the prime minister—an avowed Hindu nationalist—say India’s tradition of diversity and secularism has come under attack since the Bharatiya Janata Party won power a decade ago. They accuse the party of fostering religious intolerance and sometimes even violence. The party denies the acquisition and says its political benefits all Indians.”