August 17.08.2023: In Himachal Pradesh, constant rain and flash floods have severely hurt the state’s burgeoning tourism industry, leading to a sharp fall in hotel occupancy and financial losses for the hospitality sector. Numerous domestic and foreign tourists are typically drawn to the area’s natural beauty and tranquil settings each year, but the recent disasters have caused a 5% decline in hotel reservations and occupancy.
More than 170 landslides, flash floods, and damage to roughly 1,400 roadways have all been caused by the deluge. Over 70,000 domestic and international visitors were left stranded in the state during July as a result of these accidents, which resulted in the loss of dozens of automobiles. The state administration acted quickly to assure their safe recovery, but potential visitors’ confidence had already been tarnished. Numerous tourists canceled their travel plans due to the extent of the damage and concerns about the safety of the infrastructure, which effectively shut down the tourism industry.
Hoteliers and those involved in the tourism sector are bearing the brunt of this crisis. With the significant decline in hotel bookings, small hotel owners are facing immense challenges. Mahesh Kumar Thakur, a Mandi-based hotelier, shared the impact: ‘We have incurred huge losses because of the flash floods that have left the roads damaged. There is no business as tourists are scared. We have been compelled to close our businesses as it has become difficult to pay the wages.’ Raj Kumar, who runs a 25-room hotel in Mandi, reported an unprecedented low in hotel occupancy, with only five rooms being sold out of the total 25.
In order to lessen the damages brought on by natural disasters, hotels have turned to the government for financial assistance. They have asked for a six-month suspension of their loan, IT, and GST repayments. Despite the setbacks, Himachal Pradesh had initially had encouraging tourist traffic this year, drawing 1.6 crore people by the end of June, making it the state with the most visitors in the previous six years. Unfortunately, the prolonged monsoon rains ruined the remaining days of the prime holiday season and caused flash floods in the first week of July.
While Himachal Pradesh remains a sought-after destination for tourists due to its scenic beauty and rich cultural heritage, the recent events highlight the vulnerability of the tourism sector to unpredictable natural forces. As the state looks to recover and rebuild, both the government and stakeholders in the industry must work together to restore travelers’ confidence and ensure the safety and enjoyment of future visitors.