The main accused, Suresh Chandrakar, of plotting the murder of journalist Mukesh Chandrakar was arrested by a Special Investigation Team on Sunday from Hyderabad. The Postmortem of the journalist revealed the victim’s injuries.
Doctors who conducted the postmortem highlighted that the deceased journalist found four pieces of liver, five broken ribs,15 fractures to the head, heart ripped off, and a broken neck.
As per the Police, Suresh Chandrakar was hiding at his driver’s place and in order to catch him , the police tracked about 300 mobile numbers and reviewed visuals from 200 CCTVs. The investigation is, however, underway. Suresh Chandrakar’s spouse is also in custody in Chhattisgarh’s Kanker district and is being questioned.
In the week of New Year, on January 3, the body of the deceased journalist Mukesh Chandrakar was found in a septic tank on the property of Suresh Chandrakar. Latter was exposed by the former for corruption in Chhattisgarh.
Journalist Mukesh Chandrakar revealed an investigative report against Suresh Chandrakar and exposed corruption of Rs, 120- crore in the construction project of roads in Bastar.
Following the disappearance of Mukesh Chandrakar, his brother, Yukesh Chandrakar, lodged a missing person report. Mukesh’s body was found in a septic tank in a shed of a contractor in Chhattisgarh’s Bastar.
Three persons have been reportedly arrested so far, including the brothers of Suresh Chandrakar; Ritesh Chandrakar and Dinesh Chandrakar. However, Suresh is absconding.
How was the Murder Carried?
Mukesh’s cousin Ritesh and the supervisor Mahendra attacked him with an iron rod, leading to his death on the spot. They allegedly led to this crime after a ruckus broke out between them at dinner.
The two then allegedly hid the lifeless body of the journalist in a septic tank and concealed it by covering the tank with cement.
Chhattisgarh Deputy Chief Minister Vijay Sharma labeled Mukesh Chandrakar’s murder “terrible, painful, and utterly wrong.”
Meanwhile, “The young journalist’s death is a matter of grave concern as it raises suspicion of foul play. The Editors Guild calls on the government of Chhattisgarh to spare no efforts in investigating the case speedily and bringing the guilty to book. The safety of journalists – especially those working in smaller towns and rural areas – is of paramount importance, and the Editors Guild demands that authorities across the country must do their best to ensure that no harm or hindrance is caused to any of them in discharging their professional duties,” The Press Association and the Editors Guild of India stated.