In the aftermath of the gruesome rape and murder of a 31 year old doctor in Kolkata, a startling report has been released by the Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR). The report highlights the troubling reality of India’s political landscape.
As per the reports, a staggering 151 sitting MPs and MLAs have been declared cases related to crimes against women. The report also reveals that, 16 lawmakers, including 2MPs and 14 MLAs, face rape charges, have rape charges.
According to the reports, West Bengal is on the top of the list with 25 accused lawmakers, followed by Andhra Pradesh with 21, Odisha with 17.
Which Party Leads the List?
According to the data, the BJP leads with 54 MPs and MLAs accused of crimes against women, this is followed by Congress with 23 and the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) with 17. This report comes amid the nationwide protests over the alleged rape and murder of 31 year old doctor in West Bengal’s Kolkata.
The data has erupted an outrage over the internet, netizens have taken to X (formerly Twitter) and put forth their views. Here are a few of them.
Reaction of Netizen
The Nitzen took to X and asked questions like, “why crimes against women had been taken lightly in the past?”
Another Netizen said, “Is it a surprise then our country witnesses the most brutal and heinous rapes — four every hour; the victim often being murdered?”
The ADR has issued strong recommendations and stressed the need for political parties to refrain from giving tickets to candidates with criminal backgrounds.
To read the full report issues by ADR click below